GTF in 2017 World Science Forum (WSF), Jordan

Held every two years, the WSF aimed to provide a unique global platform for fruitful dialogue on new emerging issues affecting science, policy and society. It brought together scientists, policymakers, industry, representatives of civil society and the media to set out the common tasks ahead in tackling these issues, according to the UNESCO website, which described the WSF as one of the leading contemporary events of global science policy.
The event was organised by the Royal Scientific Society (RSS) and was held under the patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah, Hungarian President János Áder and UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova.
Over the course of the four-day event, scientists focused on the development of science for achieving positive change and solutions to the world’s challenges in the fields of water, food, energy, climate change and urbanisation.
GTF has partnered with WSF and in this context, we have organised three panel discussions during the Forum.
- 21st Century Interdisciplinary Science & Technologies
- Public Engagement Talking Science to non-Scientists
- Emerging Concerns in Managing Radicalisation among Youth