Why Join?
Supporting the Forum is all about gaining privileged access to international decision makers, influencers, government, business, NGO, media and academic leaders. There are different tiers of participation that you may wish to consider: Board of Advisors, Global Growth Partners, Sustaining Sponsors. These include different features and privileges, but all offer you the opportunity to receive access to GTF's exceptional global network and support our mission to promote accountable leadership, women's empowerment and youth development.
By joining the GTF community you strengthen your organisation's international positioning and exposure, because you become a global growth partner and a part of a network of influencers and decision makers. Furthermore, the GTF role may also reinforce the Corporate Social Responsibility footprint of your organisation by actively supporting or co-hosting GTF empowerment and social development initiatives.
In addition, GTF offers to its Advisory Board Members exceptional opportunities to assess their Leadership style, understand in depth values-based decision making and revisit their governance practices through the Global Thinkers Individuals Values Assessment.