Yanga Totyi

Yanga Totyi
South Africa
Yanga Totyi is from South Africa. She is 23 years old and was born and bred in the rural areas of the Eastern Cape. She did most of her schooling in her birth place, primary school through high school, and the only time she has lived outside the Eastern Cape is when she had matriculated and obtained university admission.
She started her first year of university in the University of the Witwatersrand, where she was admitted for a general BSc, majoring in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.
In 2014, after she had left Wits University, she stayed at home seeking for some employment to hopefully raise registration fees for the following year. Half way through the year she had to leave the Eastern Cape and head for Cape Town, in hope of an employment opportunity. In August 2014 she joined a non-profit organization called IkamvaYouth, as an intern, which was the beginning of a whole new world to her. She was then later employed in April 2015 as a branch assistant.