Vihren Mitev

Vihren Mitev
Originally from Sofia, Bulgaria, Vihren is Bachelor in Philosophy (2008-2012), Master student in Global Studies (2012-2014) and Ph.D. in Philosophical Anthropology (2015-2019) at the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
His professional path starts in 2012 by being an intern at the Center for Study of Democracy, then being communications assistant at the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute and most recently - working for the Atlantic Club of Bulgarian as project manager and personal assistant to Dr. Solomon Passy, foreign minister of Bulgaria (2001-2005).
From 2017 Vihren becomes the author of the Ecological Manifesto which led to the establishment of “Ecological Manifesto – ManEco” Foundation (2018) which he is directing. Most recently Vihren is occupied with the development of the activities of the foundation such as – organizing and participation in projects, education of youth in schools and universities, assisting causes for recycling and reducing the use of plastic packaging. Most recently ManEco Foundation started a petition which should try to reduce and stop the use of plastic shopping bags and endorsed the Create New Nobel Prize For The Fight Against Climate Change petition.