Prachi Gupta

Prachi Gupta
Prachi Gupta is a 20-year-old student pursuing her Bachelor of Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. She is an ambitious perseverant young girl who believes that people with meticulous efforts, hard work and focus are able to overcome all hurdles eventually. Instead of having regrets about what could have been done in the past, her ultimate key to success is to ‘Work Now!’.
She is an active member of the Dramatics Society of her college, which she believes has contributed greatly to her skills. Drama has taught her understanding a range of emotions, enhanced her social interaction and time management skills and let her come out of her comfort zone.
Prachi has been involved in initiatives that deal with educating the youth, because according to her, they are the ones who will take this world to greater heights. She has herself worked as a volunteer and project executive in an NGO for over two years now.
She has also worked as a research trainee at EPFL, Switzerland. She grabs every opportunity to interact with new people, learn their culture, promote brotherhood, observe development, learn and prepare for her next steps. She loves travelling and has been to many countries. She believes that love has no language and age barriers, and values relationships over everything.
Through the Telemachus Programme, she wants to have a deep insight into how to use her abilities to the best, to be able to make a positive impact on the future generations. She wishes to have a mentor, a support, and above all, a friend for life!