Pomi Ayalew Moges

Pomi Ayalew Moges
Pomi Ayalew Moges is 26 years old. She is from Ethiopia and is currently based in the capital city Addis Ababa. Pomi is a gender equality advocate and feminist activist. She holds BA in Political Science and International Relation and an MA in Peace and Security.
Pomi has been involved with feminist, peace, and charity movements for over eight years. She has been with Setaweet, first feminist movement and social business in Ethiopia meaning ‘of women’ in Amharic, for two years as Strategic Partnership and Communication and Advisory Group member. Pomi planes to become a prominent Feminist activist.
After graduating with her BA in Political Science and International Relations she moved on to work in different international NGOs before going for her Graduate study with the Institute for Peace and Security Studies, while also volunteering for Setaweet. Up on graduation, she was hired by the Institute for Peace and Security Studies as one of their researchers. Currently she is working with ‘Setaweet Movement’ by doing research, appearing in media, and holding government agencies accountable for their failures on women equality. Pomi has also been published in different news sources including the Pan-African newspaper Pambazuka News. In addition, she is also a feminist trainer, who is piloting her own program of #Girltalk in secondary schools, with the aim of creating a safe space for young girls.