Piyush Dhawan

Piyush Dhawan
Piyush Dhawan is 29 years old. He is a dreamer. A dreamer on a mission. Piyush dreams of a world where humans are more considerate to not only fellow humans, but also respect the environment that everyone takes for granted.
He strongly believes in the concept of corporate social responsibility. Most corporations focus only on profit generation, but they need to understand that our planet has only finite resources, which may soon get exhausted.
For the past four years, Piyush has been working with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in India at the Indo-German Biodiversity Programme. He is currently coordinating the India Business and Biodiversity Initiative (IBBI) with the Confederation of Indian Industry. The platform serves as the only national platform in India of businesses and its stakeholders for dialogue sharing and learning, ultimately leading to mainstreaming sustainable management of biological diversity into businesses.
After graduating in Business Economics with Honors from Delhi University, Piyush pursued his Master in Business Administration with specialization in corporate social responsibility from Pforzheim University in Germany. He enjoys traveling to new places and understanding different cultures, and has travelled for more than 30 countries.