Paul-Angelos Filippakis
Paul-Angelos Filippakis
Paul-Angelos Filippakis is from Greece and currently based on the tiny island of Oinousses. He is 21 years old. Following his family’ s nautical tradition, he is currently on his final year studying to become a Merchant Marine Captain at the Merchant Marine Academy of Oinousses.
In his words, his main motive to select this profession was to arm himself with a professional attitude from the beginning of his career - in order to cope with the harsh and competitive environment onboard. During his voyages around the world, firstly embarking on becoming a true professional of his field, he ended up thinking that there is more to this life than just achieving a certain point that our society considers as "success". Maybe life is not actually just about achieving an end goal, but more about the person he has to become to do so - the character he has to build, the choices he has to make and the impact they will eventually have on our society as a whole.
His professional aspirations are to achieve the highest of ranks on seagoing vessels (Unlimited tonnage Master - i.d. Captain) and eventually become an enthusiastic member of the international maritime community, making something from every opportunity, both on land and on sea.