Paola Moreno-Roman

Paola Moreno-Roman
Paola Moreno-Roman is 26 years old. She was born and raised in Lima, Peru. She majored in Biology in Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (Peru). In 2012, Paola moved to the US to start her Ph.D. studies in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Stanford University.
Sexism and machismo are major issues in Latino culture, and Paola experienced them first hand. She is very aware of how the societal and cultural pressures influence people’s behavior and decisions. Thus, since very young, Paola has been committed to increasing access to quality education, with a particular focus on gender equality. She has been, and still is, very involved in initiatives to support and empower women in STEM and future female leaders in STEM both in the US and in her home country, Peru.
Paola is the co-founder of ‘Yachaq Warmi’, an initiative that aims to build and maintain a global community that acknowledges, celebrates, and empowers Peruvian women in science and future Peruvian female leaders. Last year, Paola was invited to attend the 2016 United State of Women Summit at the White House and participated as a counselor in the WiSci STEAM Camp 2016.