Panos Papazoglou
Panos Papazoglou
CMP, Ernst & Young
Panos Papazoglou is the CMP since July 2010 and effective January 2011 he holds the role of the CSE South Cluster Leader (responsible for Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, FYROM, Albania, Cyprus, Malta, Moldova, Kosovo). He has served as Head of Assurance in Ernst & Young SRL – Assurance Services Romania for two years and focused on the energy and technology sectors.
He has also served as CMP and Head of Assurance in Bulgaria for three years. Panos Papazoglou joined Ernst & Young in 1988 and is based in the Athens office. Panos holds an MA in Economics and an MBA. Besides, Panos is a Qualified Accountant in Greece and Romania. He has sound management experience and supervisory skills gained over the 25 years of being involved in the accounting and audit profession.