Nourhene Jaouadi

Nourhene Jaouadi
Nourhene Jaouadi is an articulate, innovative and reliable person who can add a special spirit to everything she puts her hand in, all with ensuring a high level of professionalism and enthusiasm. Nourhene is an industrial engineering student at the Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Sousse, Tunisia.
Nourhene has two years of experience in the nonprofit sector. Started working as a chief editor and translator for the website in June of 2017. On January of 2018, Nourhene joined the Scientific Research Association ARSII as the international project manager where she worked on the Researcher’s Night project that took place on the 28th of September 2018 in addition to CITI18. Moreover, she is the country ambassador for Youth Opportunities with the main responsibility of providing youth with access to opportunities. She is a writer for “Génération Transition”, IEEE volunteer, member of Women In Engineering community WIE, vice-president of projects and services of ENACTUS Issatso team.
She is passionate about giving back to the community and is a social activist. Thus, she organized awareness campaigns in her university to promote equal rights and advocate the importance of contributing to the advancement of the community. Through these experiences, she developed a deeper understanding of project management and gained leadership skills.