Njambi Mungai

Njambi Mungai
Njambi is the Head of Communications, Media and Advocacy at Clean Start based in Kenya. In her current role, she is raising awareness and visibility for women, children and girls affected by the criminal justice system.
Before joining Clean Start, Njambi had close to a decade of experience in a leading media house as an editor in the digital division. She has a degree from Helsinki Metropolitan University and awaiting graduation in her master's at USIU-Africa.
With a background in information technology and digital communication, she combines her experience and knowledge in trailblazing the usage of technology in media and communications.
Njambi is passionate about gender empowerment in particular women and girls who are disenfranchised from birth by culture, religion and legislation.
She is also a mother to two adventurous toddlers. She runs her blog and podcast and likes to garden.