Nicoleta Paladi
Nicoleta Paladi
Nicoleta Paladi is 21 years old, and she was born in the Republic of Moldova. She is currently pursuing a double major in Political Science & International and European Studies at the American University in Bulgaria.
In Spring 2018 she is participating in an ERASMUS Exchange Program at Science Po Bordeaux, France.
Nicoleta’s interest in international opportunities and development started when she was 17, and she was selected as a Future Leaders’ Exchange Finalist, after which she lived and studied in the US for one year. Afterwards, she developed herself the desire to help others and advocate for what she believes in. When she returned to Moldova, she started to create educational programs for youth and promote open-mindedness and civic involvement. While in college, she was leading the Model United Nations Club, she was a Student Counselor and pursued more politically-related internships. As a sophomore, she opened an NGO in Moldova that is promoting international cooperation and creates more educational opportunities for Moldovan students and youth. Currently, she is working on developing her NGO to advocate and develop educational programs for Moldovan women.