Mohamed Chahbi

Mohamed Chahbi
Mohamed Chahbi is 28 years old. He has two years in the nonprofit sector and holds a Computer Science Bachelor degree from Tunis El Manar University.
He benefited from two years of international cultural experience as he studied one year in Russia and one year in the U.S after being awarded full-ride scholarship. His professional experiences are polyvalent, from teaching English and Pascal programming language to translation and research assistantship to freelance entrepreneurship.
He served as Global Youth Policy Representative and Country Coordinator for the Boston based nonprofit ‘the Millennium Campus Network’ and for the 2014 ‘Global Youth Survey’. His interest in social entrepreneurship started after he was awarded a grant from "Ampion", a German nonprofit startup incubator, to participate in their flagship social entrepreneurship programme "Ampion Venture Bus". With his team, they were honoured by the best social project award for their project pitch "Infinity Funds".
Through these experiences, Mohamed developed strong skills in education, project management and event promotion, and a detailed understanding of research and marketing strategies.