Mikias Sissay

Mikias Sissay
Communications Specialist
With Communication and Journalism as well as Peace and Security master’s degrees – Mikias SISSAY is a dynamic professional, seasoned writer, researcher, advocate, and mediator.
He has more than 20 years of experience working nationally and internationally – the African Union, United Nations, and the World Bank Group among others – in communication, diplomacy, international relations, development, and peacebuilding. He is skilled in mentoring too.
Mikias kicked off his career in his early 20s as a public information assistant (Media Analyst, Radio Program Producer, and Journalist) at the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations, and progressively worked his way up to where he is now in the fields of diplomacy, human rights, international relations, election, and development with a focus on Africa.
Mikias has published articles and academic papers on communication and peacebuilding, and developed many communication and media materials, not to mention the book he published: “Effectiveness of a Communication Strategy: The Case of African Shared Values”. Furthermore, he has planned and led the implementation of several high-level international campaigns such as the African Shared Values Campaign (African Union), Africa UNiTE to End Violence Against Women and Girls (UNWOMEN), and the International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (WHO), Peace for Health (WHO), the AU summit, and global/regional conferences. It was not long ago that he was recognized as one of the top 50 regional communication specialists in Africa at the African Communication Week on the occasion of Africa Day. Mikias is further known for his voluntary services in many human rights campaigns – the Right to Education, Freedom of Expression – and services such as mentoring young adults in their academic and professional paths as part of the Global Thinkers Forum, not to mention his being a board member for a media house and a book charity NGO.
His areas of interest lie in peacebuilding, community dialogue, peace and security, behavior change communication, media, outreach, public relations, and international relations. Moreover, he is an art and history enthusiast with a good grasp of it and is always fun to speak with. Particularly, with his literature background, he is well-read in African Literature and its history. Lately, he researched the role of media in peacebuilding with reference to the UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan.
Mikias is an astute professional and performs with attention to detail, equally he is so fun to speak with, natural, and always speaks his mind. Very well networked, and very helpful. His memory skills, ability to maintain a friendship, and sociability are so unique.
Currently, he works as an Independent Consultant in Africa providing advisory to the African Union Commission, UN System, World Bank Group, and Media.