Marie Ramaugé

Marie Ramaugé
Marie was born in Paris in 1997. She has 4 younger brother and sisters, and her parents are both state workers.
After a trilingual Bachelor focusing on economics, history, law, and politics in Sciences Po Paris, she did an Erasmus year in Bonn, Germany. With her Master's Degree Marie chose to specialize in European Affairs, in a double degree between Sciences Po and the Freie University in Berlin.
Between her bachelor and her master, she spent a year in the military. During her year as a military assistant to the base commander at the 133rd Air Force Base in Nancy-Ochey, she had the opportunity to supervise journalists, prepare a weekly specialized press review, and manage the training of young soldiers. The second significant professional experience she has is an internship as a trainee production assistant in the team of the programme "Foule continentale" broadcast on the public radio channel France Inter.
Besides her scholar and professional achievements, she was always very active in associations in the field of feminism, sport and sports events.