Luisa Dall’ Agnese

Luisa Dall’ Agnese
Luisa Dall’Agnese is a 23 years old lawyer from Uruguaiana, a town in the South of Brazil. She’s currently based in São Paulo.
She is graduated in Law at the University of the Itajaí Valley, she did an Exchange Program in Portugal at the University of Coimbra, where she focused her studies in international law. Now she’s a special student in the Post Graduate Program at University of São Paulo. Her research areas consist in trade law and sustainable development policies.
Passionate about international relations and public policies, Luisa was a Brazilian Delegate at the WTO Public Forum 2017, she’s an Ambassador at Choice that is a Brazilian organization that empowers young people to develop social awareness and projects to help their communities, she’s a member at Grupo Mulheres do Brasil (WomenofBrazil) in the Public and Private Policies committee.
She’s always searching for possibilities to elevate her ability as problem solver of social and environmental issues, she wants to be an agent for positive change in the world.