Lina Rengifo
Lina Rengifo
Lina Rengifo is 28 years old and is currently based at her hometown, Cali, Colombia. She is an action oriented environmental Economist and an upcoming social entrepreneur.
As an Economist, Lina believes that it is necessary to democratize environmental services in order to make urbanization processes economically sustainable. Hence, she founded Siembra Urbana (Urban Seeds) to channel solutions for the social and environmental issues of her city through the provision of consultancy services. Her venture aims to align the interests of the key stakeholders that interact in shaping the urban environment, such as construction companies, government agencies and local communities, in order to enable a more respectful relationship between nature and the citizens, and assure that environmental services are equally accessible for the poor and the rich in the city.
Siembra Urbana has recently delivered its first contract for the landscape design at a 288,000 meter social interest housing construction site in Cali, that will impact the environmental well being of nearly 3,500 people. During the project, Lina was able to merge the cost optimization interests of the client, a construction company, with the design’s philanthropic objectives.
Lina aspires to amplify Siembra Urbana’s impact about urban and environmental management in Colombia, by broadening her client base, bolstering her team and portfolio, and acquiring specific skills related to her work through a master’s degree in Urban Planning.