Laila Mohammed Humaid Al Shandoudi

Laila Mohammed Humaid Al Shandoudi
Laila Al Shandoudi has started her career in teaching in 2002, when she has been selected to be a member of Science Department in Ibri College of Education. She was teaching Chemistry, helping in some activities related to research, scientific exhibition and carrying out the experiments, all were directed to the society.
Laila is ambitious to continue her postgraduate study. She applied for MSc in Analytical Chemistry at Loughborough University, PhD in Electrochemistry at Southampton University in the UK. She is always looking for some workshops in leadership, management skills and being an active member in the society because she believes she has a message to the society to help in developing it, educating people, enhancing awareness, having some initiatives related to education and environment.
Her plan is to take international opportunities to exchange ideas and benefit from other experiences.