Jessa Rylene Gavilla

Jessa Rylene Gavilla


Jessa Rylene Gavilla is 22 years old and was born and raised in the Philippines. She graduated from the University of the Philippines Los Bañoswith a degree in Agricultural Economics, major in Policy and Development and is currently working as a corporate risk and broking analyst.

Jessa is passionate in youth empowerment and rural development in the Philippines. She is actively taking part in projects that give her the opportunity to learn and impart knowledge to others that would further develop youths’ movement and action towards development. She volunteers under organizations that are actively taking part in dialogues with fellow youths to create a better understanding of the SDGs and promote ASEAN awareness through the SDG agenda. Jessa aspires to uplift the socio-economic status of farmers and believes that youths should be proactive in helping the agricultural sector development. She is also currently serving as Ambassador (in-training) to the Global Schools Program under the United Nations – Sustainable Development Solutions Network Youth (UN-SDSN Youth) which aims to reshape the education curricula in the country to be geared towards achieving sustainable development by introducing and incorporating the SDGs in classroom setting for primary schools.