Hanne Vrebos

Hanne Vrebos
Hanne Vrebos is 27 years old. She was born and raised in a small village in Belgium. After high school, she went to study a Bachelor followed by a Master in Architectural Engineering at the Free University of Brussels (VUB).
While working at an architectural office in Sao Paulo, she faced the harsh challenges of spatial inequality, inadequate infrastructure and rapid urbanization. Through these challenge, Hanne decide to focus on improving settlements and urban processes from a human perspective. This life goal was further shaped by a Master in Urban Ecological Planning at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), with research projects on housing projects for low income saving groups and colonial architecture in Uganda.
After this master’s, Hanne continued her work towards a better urban world with the slum upgrading unit of UN-Habitat. Recently she worked in and did research on refugee settlements in Europe. Currently Hanne is working as an urban resilience officer in the EU Aid Volunteer programme with Concern Worldwide.