George Pagoulatos
George Pagoulatos
Professor, European Politics & Economy, Athens University of Economics & Business (AUEB) & Visiting Professor, College of Europe in Bruges
Author of several books and many articles in leading international academic journals, and a regular columnist in the Sunday edition of the main Greek centrist newspaper Kathimerini since 2007, Pagoulatos has been interviewed and quoted widely in the international media regarding the ongoing Eurozone and Greek economic crisis.
In November 2011 Pagoulatos was called by the newly appointed technocratic Prime Minister Lucas Papademos; he served as Senior Advisor and Director of Strategy at the PM Office from November 2011 to June 2012. He is an Academic Fellow at the European Policy Centre, member of the Board of Directors of the think-tank ELIAMEP, and board member of various academic and civic organizations. He has served as member of the High Council of the European University Institute in Florence, and President of ECSA-Greece. He has extensive experience in providing advice and analysis on the Greek political economy. Pagoulatos holds degrees from the University of Athens (LLB) and the University of Oxford (MSc, DPhil), where he was a Rhodes Scholar. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University (1998-99). He was short-listed for the Rudolf Wildenmann “best paper” prize of the European Consortium of Political Research. His book Greece’s New Political Economy: State, Finance and Growth from Postwar to EMU (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003) won the Academy of Athens award for best book in economics. He has been part of several EC-funded networks of excellence, and the research project DOSEI (on the EU Constitution building process), nominated for the European Commission’s 2006 Descartes prize for scientific excellence.