Ebru Özdemir

Ebru Özdemir
Chairwoman, Limak Investments
Ebru Özdemir graduated from TED Ankara College in 1991 and completed her BS degree in Civil Engineering at Boğaziçi University (Istanbul, Turkey). She holds an MBA degree on international business and finance from Fordham University (class of 1997).
Joined in 2007, Ebru Özdemir serves as Chairwoman at Limak Group of Companies’ affiliate Limak Investments that constitutes the domestic and international investment arm of the group operating mainly on infrastructure and energy sectors; while providing services in energy generation, distribution, sales and trading; airport, port, high speed train station, bridge and highway investments. Ms. Özdemir also serves as Executive Board Member of Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEİK), and President of DEİK/Turkey-Kuwait Business Council; Board Member at Turkish Contractors Association (TMB) and Endeavor Turkey; Member at Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD).
Being the only elected member from Turkey to the Business Advisory Board of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Public-Private Partnerships (UNECE PPP) since 2014 Ms. Özdemir is also member at the Young Society Leaders of the American Turkish Society, as well as Tate Modern’s Middle East North Africa Acquisitions Committee (MENAAC). Ebru Özdemir is among Founding Members ofTurkey’s 30 Percent Club, a voluntary platform aiming to develop a diverse and gender balance pool of talent for all businesses at all levels. Ms. Özdemir also presents at Boğaziçi University Foundation’s Board of Trustees and Vodafone Foundation’s Board of Overseers. Ms. Özdemir was named as the member of the MD Anderson Cancer Center Board of Visitors (2016), Atlantic Council’s International Advisory Board (2018) and Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD) of the UNDP.
Ebru Özdemir also acts as Limak Foundation’s Chairwoman, a private foundation established in 2016 in order to professionally manage social investments of Limak Group of Companies, ranging from Limak Philharmonic Orchestra, Engineer Girls of Turkey (TMK), Outstanding Achievement Scholarship of Gülseren Özdemir, Junior Engineers Program (EKM).