Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish
Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish
Founder, Sekem (1937-2017)
In 1977 Dr Ibrahim Abouleish established a sustainable development initiative in Egypt. He called it SEKEM, taking its name from the hieroglyphic transcription meaning “vitality,” to solve the pressing problem of the country. Since the foundation of SEKEM, Prof. Dr. Abouleish aims to promote sustainable development of human, society and earth.
SEKEM was the first entity developing eco- agricultural methods in the desert. The SEKEM Group encompasses several companies for organic agriculture, phyto-pharmaceuticals, fresh and processed food and organic textiles. SEKEM provides employees and farming communities throughout the country the opportunity to improve their education, health and quality of life. SEKEM maintains human rights principles within its scope of work. The Sekem Development Foundation established cultural initiatives providing education, healthcare and research. The foundation established cultural enterprises like educational and vocational training institutions, medical care and research. In conjunction with an international exchange, artists and scientists further develop the work and task of holistic development. Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development dedicated its existence to the challenge such as climate change, resources scarcity, a growing population, and extreme poverty and strives for sustainable development of individuals, communities and nature in Egypt and the world. Heliopolis University offers study programs in Pharmacy, Engineering and Technology, Business and Economics. Dr Abouleish’s vision has earned him world recognition. In 2003, he and SEKEM received the Right Livelihood Award (also known as the Alternative Nobel Prize) for integrating the commercial success with promotion of the social and cultural development of society. In 2012 he received the Business for Peace Award”. He was selected as an “Outstanding Social Entrepreneur” by the Schwab Foundation in 2004 and he is founder and member of the World Future Council. Prof Dr tech Dr med Ibrahim Abouleish is Alternative Nobel Prize Laureate (The Right Livelihood Award).