Ammar Alazmah

Ammar Alazmah
Ammar Alazmah is form Damascus, Syria and currently based in Turkey. He is 28 years old, telecommunications engineer and currently a M.Sc. student in telecommunications engineering.
He also has a diploma in political sciences and has built an experience in sustainable development and project management.
He has been working for Syria humanitarian and development response since 2012 and contributed in establishing many Syrian NGOs. In 2013, he co-founded BINAA organization for development which is a national Syrian NGO dedicated to inspire efficiency in Syrian people and implement sustainable programs. He is now acting as Monitoring and Evaluation Manager.
His ambition is to add a brick into the tower of technology and sustainable development, to make a difference instead of being a number stepping aside and leaving the future to be built by others and not sharing this building with them.
His future plans are to carry on his work in a technology, sustainable development and public policy works, where one can stay in touch with key challenges facing the world.