Alice Pease
Alice Pease
Alice Pease is 25 years old. British by birth, she is a true European, having lived, studied and worked across the continent. She has a deep love of Latin America and has spent extensive periods in Argentina.
She has a first degree in History and Languagesfrom the University of Edinburgh anda master’s in EU-Latin American relations from the University of Bologna.
Since finishing her studies, Alice has spent the past two years researching and writing a book on the political dynamics of international criminal justice. She is concerned with accountability for authors of heinous crimes and the inequalities which exist within the current system of global criminal justice. These questions are all the more pertinent in 2017 as individual states are moving in a protectionist and isolationist direction and the advances made in developing an international criminal justicesystem over the past 30 years seem to be under threat.
Besides her experience in research, Alice has spent time working at the European Commission and with NGOs in Guatemala, Argentina and India. With her global outlook, Alice hopes that she can use her next step to bring meaningful change, whether in policy, academia or advocacy.