Abdellah El Bouchikhi

Abdellah El Bouchikhi
Abdellah El Bouchikhi is 22 years old. He was born and raised in Fes, home of one of the oldest medieval cities in the world that is classified as a UNESCO world heritage site, located in Morocco. Majoring in civil engineering, he’s currently pursuing a master degree in Transportation planning and mobility.
During his university years, he worked for a non-profit organisation called Enactus EHTP, where he embraced the potential of social entrepreneurship as an efficient apparatus of poverty alleviation and employment generation. In his free time, he is a Pro-life, staunch advocate of human rights and an active member of the World Youth Alliance, an international NGO seeking to promote a culture of life-based on individual rights, family cohesion, and personal development.
He believes that mainstreaming resilience is instrumental in achieving lasting progress. Consequently, as a professional priority, he hopes to induce a paradigm shift in how PPPs internationally incorporate long-term resilience in infrastructure investments by leveraging global climate finance sources. Thereby developing climate-smart infrastructure that preserves environmental sustainability and ensures availability and continuity of infrastructure services.