GTF Awards 2017 London
British Defence Minister Tobias Ellwood Awarded for Bravery on the 5th Global Thinkers Forum Awards for Excellence
The 5th Global Thinkers Forum Awards under the theme “Honouring the Trust Builders” took place on November 30, 2017 at the British Library in London.
Among the Honourees was British Minister for Defence, Tobias Ellwood, a Former Army Officer, the ‘hero MP’ who fought to save fallen Parliament policeman PC Keith Palmer’s life after the savage terrorist knife attack in Westminster on March 22, 2017.
“The terrorist attack that happened at Westminster last March was terrorism on our doorstep; the doorstep of democracy. I was among the many who stepped forward. Together we stood against terrorism and the violence that we saw intruding our lives that day. It is an honour to receive this award and to be with others from all over the world, who step forward with their works of life, to try and make our world a better place”, said Mr Ellwood upon receiving the Award.
“We paid our respects to individuals from all over the world whose acts and lifelong efforts contribute towards trust building. Without trust, institutions don’t work, societies falter and people lose faith in their leaders. In today’s world it is imperative to cultivate and promote trust, integrity and accountability- which is what our Award Honourees achieved”, says Global Thinkers Forum Founder & CEO, Elizabeth Filippouli.

Attending were international guests from business, politics, academia, philanthropy, civil society organisations and media. Global Thinkers Forum was incubated at Oxford University’s Said Business School, and was founded in 2012 with HM Queen Rania Al Abdullah as its Founding Patron.
The 2017 Award winners were as follows:
EXCELLENCE IN BRAVERY AWARD - The Rt Hon Tobias Ellwood MP – Minister for Defence , UK
EXCELLENCE IN PEACE & COLLABORATION - Bhai Sahib Bhai (Dr) Mohinder Singh OBE KSG -Chairman, Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha & Co-President, Religions for Peace
EXCELLENCE IN WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT - Noorjahan Akbar – Founder, Free Women Writers
EXCELLENCE IN YOUTH DEVELOPMENT - Dr. Radha Basu – Founder, iMerit
EXCELLENCE IN LEADERSHIP - Muhtar Kent – Chairman, Coca-Cola Company
EXCELLENCE IN POSITIVE CHANGE - Dr. Judi Aubel – Co-founder, Grandmother Project
EXCELLENCE IN HUMANITARIAN WORK - Pantelis Dimitriou - Managing Director, Iliaktida
For photos of the evening please follow this link.
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