William Leverett

William Leverett


William Leverett is 27 years old. He is a New York native who is currently an Online MPA Candidate at the University of Southern California.

He is an aspiring leader in community economic development, social entrepreneurship, faith and the arts. In addition to his passions, he works to develop cross-sector collaborations to positively affect youth development and foster global citizenship. He currently lives in Morocco, lived in Jordan from 2015-2016 and worked at INJAZ, a non-profit that focuses on entrepreneurship and educational programs for youth. Prior to INJAZ, he has worked with NYC Service, an initiative of the Office of the Mayor of New York City, was a Coro Fellow in NYC and served with various U.S and global non-profits.

He is inspired to create programs, spaces and opportunities that will help transform lives. William earned his B.A. from Queens College of the City University of New York in Political Science and Urban Studies.