Dr. Aurora Martin
Dr. Aurora Martin
Senior Advisor in International Relations, Romanian Government & Parliament
Professor, V. Brusov University, Yerevan, (former prof. at the Pontifical Oriental Institute of Vatican), Romanian Language Institute, Vice President International Institute for Human Security, Honorary President Womanity for All. Gender expert, promoting equal opportunities, combating gender-based violence and discrimination. She is a senior advisor to the National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men and to the National Council for Combating Discrimination, Romania.
Since 2022, she is G100 Global Chair for Intercultural Dialogue (G100 Global Women Leaders)
She has taught Gender Studies, Good Governance, Non-Discrimination, Cultural Violence and Conflict Transformation at: Wilmington College, Ohio, USA; Russian Presidential Academy for National Economy and Public Administration, St. Petersburg; University of Belgrade; RomaTre University; Lomonosov Moscow State University; Khazar University, Baku; University of Bucharest, Faculty of Political Science, European Center for Security Studies at George C. Marshall in Germany. Her research at George C. Marshall focused on Human Security, Responsibility to Protect, and UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.
In 2016, as a fellow of the US State Department, she attended the Professional Fellows program, focused on community organization, and on her return, she dedicated herself to research in the field of modern slavery. In 2019, she received a scholarship from the US State Department to implement a unique project in the EU: "Mobile Museum of Modern Slavery"
Awards: “Woman of the Year for the Defense and Promotion of Women’s Rights” 2015, (Advantage Magazine Award), Award for International Promotion of Women’s Rights, “Mihai Eminescu” International Academy Award, 2018 edition, Women of the Decade Award for Security and Conflict Transformation ”, Women Economic Forum 2019, New Delhi, India.,“ Iconic Women Creating a Better World for All ”Award, Women Economic Forum 2020, Bengaluru, India, Award of Excellence and Recognition from the Egyptian Government 2020, “Exceptional Women of Excellence” Award, Women Economic Forum 2022, New Delhi 2022, “Woman of the Decade”, Women Economic Forum 2022, New Delhi, 2022, Doctor Honoris Causa, Rai University, New Delhi, 2022.
Publications: “Human Security and Global Governance: Challenges and Prospects”, Ed. Interdisciplinary Institute of Human Security & Governance, New Delhi, 2022, „Changing Dimensions of Human Security in Contemporary World”, Ed. Interdisciplinary Institute of Human Security & Governance, New Delhi, 2021, „Gender Security and Global Politics”, Ed. Interdisciplinary Institute of Human Security & Governance, New Delhi, 2021, “Lingue diverse per scopi diversi: linguaggi specialistici e settoriali”, Ed. ProUniversitaria, 2019, “L’italiano per modi di dire. Campi semantici di riferimento: Il corpo umano”, Ed ProUniversitaria, 2019, „Quaderno operativo di linguaggi specialistici e settoriali”, Ed. ProUniversitaria, 2019, „Eserciziario d’italiano per modi di dire: Il corpo umano”, Ed. ProUniversitaria, 2019, “Reprezentare identitară feminină în cultura română”, Ed. ProUniversitaria, 2018, „Scienza politică în lingua italiană – un'opportunita' per approffondire la lingua italiana attraverso lo studio della scienza politica e delle istituzioni politiche italiane”, Ed. Universităţii Transilvania, Braşov, 2005.
WomanScape.com celebrated her by dedicating the January 2019 edition to her commitment.