Amy Claire Bobbins

Amy Claire Bobbins
South Africa
Amy Claire Bobbins is 23 years old. She is a passionate advocate of equitable health rights and is an academic pharmacist intern and MPharm student at Nelson Mandela University, South Africa.
She obtained a BPharm (cum laude) with various academic and leadership accolades from her alumnus, Rhodes University, and has been named in the Top 100 graduates in South Africa and one of the 100 Brightest Young Minds in Africa in 2017.
Amy aims to devote her career to working at different levels; at a grassroots level and particularly at a policy level, to attempt to combat the injustices that plague healthcare provision in communities. Amy has a broad range of healthcare interests, ranging from pharmaceutical policy and practice, to global health governance and public health in developing nations and is committed to the ideals of sustainable development, of which the promotion of health plays an integral role. She has a keen interest in ethical leadership and governance and has been a student member of the Youth Model African Union, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and the Talloires Network.