Uliana Avtonomova is 23 years old. She was born in Dnipro, Ukraine. During her school years, she was engaged in the professional dance crew for nine years. Later she moved to Kyiv where she graduated from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv holding BA with Honors in Philosophy and MA in Political Science.
While studying Uliana actively volunteered in NGOs, such as Center for Political Studies and Analysis «Eidos», took part in the program “Young Generation Will Change Ukraine”, co-organized volunteer tour ‘Here and Now’ for more than 100young people, which addressed a number of essential needs were such as healing divisions that the war has created by engaging Ukrainian youth in cultural exchange activities. The tour also involved teaching youth leadership and principles of active citizenship by providing practical input and promoting sustainable development in. communities through conducting socio-ecological projects jointly organized by the volunteers and community members.
Uliana was a counsellor at the summer camp Girls Leading Our Word organized by the Peace Corps in Ukraine, which illustrated the vital importance of gender equality and sexual education among the youth. In 2016 Uliana was selected as a Ukrainian Youth Delegate to the United Nations. During a year of her responsibilities, she promoted Sustainable Development Goals, visited universities and schools with lectures and worked on the UNSCR 2250 Youth, Peace and Security implementation with the local NGOs.
Currently, Uliana is working at the virtual and augmented reality laboratory as a Chief Education Officer. During the course of her work for this company, they have created a number of videos, which address online security and bullying issues in schools. This proves how beneficial technology could be for the society and new generations.