Victor Odhiambo


Victor Odhiambo is 27 years old. He is based in Nairobi, Kenya. He is the Founder and Director of "Garden of Hope Foundation" a Community Based Organization in Kenya.

Since its inception under the leadership of Victor, Garden of Hope Foundation has worked with 3,500 youths through various programs like Mentorship, leadership, development and entrepreneurship from different communities in Kenya. Some of these youths have gone ahead to get various study scholarships, jobs and some have started their own businesses.

Victor has been nominated two times among other young leaders to represent Kenya in One Young World Summit. He has also been recognized by Her Majesty the Queen as a highly recommend runners-up in the Queens Young Leaders Awards.

Victor holds a Diploma in Information communication Technology, and is currently part of the Queens Young Leaders ”Leading Change" programme created by Institute of continuing education at the University of Cambridge.

Victor is passionate about the youth, and his hope is to provide sustainable solutions to 10,000 youths by the year 2020. “One youth at a time" is his motto".