Edita Ismaili is 20 years old. She was born and raised in a small town called Bujanoc. After finishing high school, she moved to Pristina, the capital city of Kosovo, to continue her studies as a Law student in the University of Pristina.
From an early age she showed her affection to justice, human rights and combating gender differences, which have followed her during childhood.
In her own words, she understands that injustice and suffering in the world are rife, therefore, she wants to play a more important role in the protection of vulnerable victims, this is the main reason she is drawn to the law.
She has been volunteering in American Corner since 2010, and has had the opportunity to be the leader of discussions in various workshops for women rights, gender equality and multiculturalism. During volunteering she was given the chance to be part of different programs that were held by US embassy, where she gained knowledge about social problems and their solution, about different communities and refugees.
She aims to make a difference in the world by bringing together the knowledge, ideas and cooperation between people, so that future generations have a better place to live.