Esraa Eldawody Elmaddah is 28 years old, she is a second-year Master of engineering student. She has accepted the scholarship award of New Zealand development Scholarships in 2016 to study Master of Engineering at Auckland university of technology, followed by another award in 2017 of upgrading the scholarship from Master of Engineering (course work) to Master of engineering (Research) based on her excellent performance.
Her research title is an assessment of Concentrating solar power for Egyptian locations. She has been the first deputy of the AUT NZ Scholars student peer mentoring research group.
She also has a in electrical engineering from Port Said university with past experience in Quality Assurance engineering. In addition, she is an alumnus of GLE (Global Leadership Experience programme) by common purpose, also she has been a member the awareness team of NGO “life makers” Port said branch and Port said heritage initiative. She is Interested in renewable energy and sustainability and woman empowerment.