Samah Zahalqa is a 42 years old woman, married with 2 kids. She was born in Gaza strip in a big family. In Gaza she has completed her education until she got a masters degree of community mental health.
Samah has worked in different position for around fifteen years. Recently she is working is Human Rights Unit as a coordinator In Palestine consultative staff for developing NGOs organization. She is a psycho-dramatist and member in Palestine education coalition.
Her great passion is advocating, promoting and empowering women and youth in Palestine community. As a mother and women in Palestine community it's very a hard to succeed and achieving her goal without supporting from her friends and family.
Her second goal of life is strengthen the community value, especially moral value. She knows its very hard to change the community but someone needs to take the initiative where I tried so.
Involved in different training courses which will enhance her ability to empower others in a positive way, will support her to achieve her goal.